

Below are listed all Butterfly species recorded in Gwent. Select a butterfly to see more information on it and view local records and maps.

If you wish, you can enter a keyword (part of a Common or Scientific name) or use an ABH code to filter the moths using the form below. Simply type the name or number in the box provided and hit the search button. These can also be used in combination, so entering 58 in the ABH box and White in the keyword box gives all Pieridae with White in the common name.

Showing records 1 to 50 of 50.

ABH Code B & F Code Scientific Name Common Name Records Images? More Info
58.009 1552 Pontia daplidice Bath White 1
58.005 1548 Aporia crataegi Black-veined White 1
58.013 1546 Gonepteryx rhamni Brimstone 1152 2
61.015 1572 Aricia agestis Brown Argus 43 2
59.028 1596 Nymphalis antiopa Camberwell Beauty 4
61.020 1575 Polyommatus coridon Chalk Hill Blue 1
58.010 1545 Colias croceus Clouded Yellow 238 2
59.031 1598 Polgonia c-album Comma 2277 1
61.018 1574 Polyommatus icarus Common Blue 2651
59.019 1607 Argynnis aglaja Dark-green Fritillary 182
57.001 1532 Erynnis tages Dingy Skipper 515
57.005 1527 Thymelicus lineola Essex Skipper 145
59.011 1625 Pyronia tithonus Gatekeeper 3297
59.013 1621 Hipparchia semele Grayling 241
61.005 1555 Callophrys rubi Green Hairstreak 156
58.008 1551 Pieris napi Green-veined White 3097
57.002 1534 Pyrgus malvae Grizzled Skipper 148
59.020 1606 Argynnis adippe High-brown Fritillary 19 2
61.012 1580 Celastrina argiolus Holly Blue 1283
57.009 1531 Ochlodes sylvanus Large Skipper 872
59.029 1594 Nymphalis polychloros Large Tortoiseshell 5
58.006 1549 Pieris brassicae Large White 4626
59.012 1620 Melanargia galathea Marbled White 984
59.033 1610 Euphydryas aurinia Marsh Fritillary 168
61.017 1578 Cyaniris semiargus Mazarine Blue 1
59.010 1626 Maniola jurtina Meadow Brown 4619
59.001 1630 Danaus plexippus Monarch 2
58.003 1553 Anthocharis cardamines Orange-tip 1773
59.024 1591 Vanessa cardui Painted Lady 1728
58.011 1543 Colias hyale Pale Clouded Yellow 1
59.026 1597 Aglais io Peacock 3481
59.014 1601 Boloria euphrosyne Pearl-bordered Fritillary 16
59.022 1585 Apatura iris Purple Emperor 1
61.004 1557 Favonius quercus Purple Hairstreak 72
59.023 1590 Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral 3300
59.009 1629 Aphantopus hyperantus Ringlet 1996
59.017 1608 Argynnis paphia Silver-washed Fritillary 334
61.010 1569 Cupido minimus Small Blue 4
61.001 1561 Lycaena phlaeas Small Copper 1128
59.005 1527 Coenonympha pamphilus Small Heath 1086
59.015 1600 Boloria selene Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary 305
57.006 1526 Thymelicus sylvestris Small Skipper 984
59.027 1593 Aglais urticae Small Tortoiseshell 3383
58.007 1550 Pieris rapae Small White 4511
59.003 1614 Pararge aegeria Speckled Wood 4095
56.003 1539 Papilio machaon Swallowtail 1
59.002 1615 Lasiommata megera Wall 151
59.021 1584 Limenitis camilla White Admiral 133 2
61.006 1558 Satyrium w-album White-letter Hairstreak 52
58.001 1541 Leptidea sinapis Wood White 13